What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a sleep-like state with focused attention, concentration, and hyper-awareness. Renowned hypnotist and psychiatrist, Milton Erickson described hypnosis as “simply communication with the mind. A time when you are concentrating exclusively on your own thoughts, values, memories, and beliefs about life. It is active, unconscious learning.” Hypnosis can help access the subconscious mind where behaviors, habits, and memories reside. It helps uncover useful ideas and releases limiting beliefs and other obstacles. Many of today’s top institutions support the use of hypnosis and hypnotherapy such as Harvard University, Stanford University, and the NFL.

Is there research to support the efficacy of hypnosis?

Yes. Explore the Research page for more.

How does hypnotherapy differ from talk therapy?

Talk therapy focuses on cognitive processes while hypnotherapy focuses on changing behavior in the subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy sessions include cognitive dialogue followed by hypnosis. This will be the part where a client either lays down or sits back, eyes closed, and follows along with the hypnosis practitioner’s guided imagery. Treatment is typically short-term, lasting between 3 and 15 sessions compared to weekly talk therapy sessions that can span from months to years. Hypnotherapy seeks to target the subconscious root cause of the presenting issue to integrate transformation quickly. Both hypnotherapy and traditional psychotherapy support lifelong behavior change. A hypnosis practitioner will request a medical referral for presenting issues with a medical etiology because they do not diagnose or treat medical conditions or psychological disorders. Nor do they prescribe or suggest medication.

What is the subconscious mind?

The subconscious mind is like the soil of a garden, whatever the conscious mind plants there grows – whether it be weeds or flowers. It’s where we keep our behaviors, beliefs, emotions, imagination, intuition, and memories. It makes up 90% of our brain, which is why it can be easy to get stuck in what is no longer serving us.

What can hypnosis help?

Most of our issues stem from the mind, or involve it in some way whether psychological, physiological, or spiritual. There’s a wide array of reasons why people seek out hypnotherapy:

• Allergies • Analgesic/Sedation for Medical and Dental Procedures • Anxiety • Anger Management • Artists Block • Asthma • Athletic Performance • Autoimmune Symptoms • Bedwetting • Boredom • Blood Pressure Issues • Breaking Bad Habits • Career Enhancement • Chemotherapy Side Effects • Clarity and Purpose • Confidence • Courage • Creative Expansion • Depression • Emotional Release • Fears and Phobias • Fertility and Childbirth • Grief and Loss • Gut Health and IBS • Habit Integration • Heartbreak • Impotence • Manifestation • Memory, Focus, and Rapid Learning • Motivation • OCD and Perfectionism • Pain Reduction • Past Life Regression and Accessing the Past • Performance Anxiety • Pessimism • Psychoactive Experience Integration • PTSD/CPTSD • Rapid Healing and Inflammation Reduction • Relationship Improvement • Release Bad Habits, Behavioral Patterns, and Addictions • Self-Sabotage • Sexual Dysfunction and Satisfaction • Sleep Disorders • Smoking Cessation • Stress • Test Anxiety • Weight Loss and Body Image • Writer’s Block

What is guided imagery?

Our ability to imagine influences everything we do, as the subconscious mind cannot distinguish fantasy from fiction. That’s why we cry during a sad movie, even though we know it's not real. When we focus our imagination on what we want, we are using imagery to bring it to life. Imagery is utilized during hypnosis to support clients desired outcome, improving their livelihood, wellbeing, and reaching personal goals. Imagery strengthens harmony between the body and mind and has been referred to as “medicine for the imagination.”

Why should I try hypnosis?

The goal of hypnosis is to rapidly create positive change for a person. Each hypnosis session leaves a person feeling optimistic and refreshed.

Is everyone hypnotizable?

Yes, everyone is hypnotizable because hypnosis is a hidden ability of the mind. We go into hypnosis multiple times a day without realizing: During our morning routines, while scrolling through social media, when we are emotionally triggered, doing what we love, and falling asleep. Hypnosis is experienced on a spectrum; everyone has their own unique experience. For some, it’s an analytical state of focus while others experience all-encompassing visualizations and amnesia. Like meditations, you are in control the entire time.

How is hypnotherapy different from stage hypnosis?

Stage hypnosis is a sensationalized version solely meant to entertain. Unlike harnessing the benefits of hypnosis theraputically, this kind of trance does not work on everybody. In fact, most skeptisism and misunderstandings of what hypnosis is stems from images seen in stage hypnosis.

What is a hypnotherapy session with Amanda like?

An Introductory Hypnosis Session with Amanda lasts 1.5 – 2 hours. Sessions start with extensive discussion, so Amanda can gain insight into your story and motivations,and so you can further organize what you want. Once intentions for the session is clear, focus shifts to the conditioning for hypnosis. Some personality types go into trance easily while others experience resistance or simply have a more analytical state of focus. Amanda works with all personality types to develop trust and implement techniques that allow you to relax, as the subconscious is more receptive when your nervous system is at ease. When guided into hypnosis, you’re welcomed to lay back and close your eyes. You will remain fully aware of where you are and what is happening. Suggestions specific to your needs are offered for the purpose of creating new neural pathways for positive change. Sometimes, suggestions are literal and direct, other times they’re metaphorical and reveal their effects in time. Your subconscious transmits these thoughts and images throughout the mind and body. Amanda’s role is to support you in accessing parts of yourself already available underneath the surface of your cognitive mind and learned personal blocks. The purpose of this work is to integrate the change you want, be it releasing fear, uncovering personal blocks, increasing self-trust, or integrating new strategies and habits relevant for your journey.

How does hypnosis differ from meditation?

Hypnosis and meditation are in some ways very similar experiences of consciousness. Meditation is the practice of clearing the mind, while hypnosis—when used intentionally—is the practice of focusing your thoughts on a singular goal. A person does not slip into a state of meditation like hypnosis, but depending on the amorphous definition, one can shift between the two. In meditation, a person may focus on their breath or a mantra for the purpose of clearing the mind of busy thoughts. The goal of hypnosis is to use one’s imagination to focus on new possibilities and thoughts to create a desired change. While meditation and hypnosis have different intentions, they are similar in how they create mind and body coherence, activate our parasympathetic response, and empower a person to feel good.

Are there any contraindications?

Guided hypnosis is not recommended for people with multiple personality disorder, hallucinations, or those under the influence of drugs/alcohol.

Do virtual sessions work as well as in-person sessions?

Amanda prefers working with clients in person at least for their initial Introductory session, but virtual sessions do work with great success. Virtual sessions allow a person to feel comfortable with ease, due to being in the comfort of their own space. This gives them the opportunity to explore deep states of hypnosis with less inhibition than they might feel in-person.

How many sessions will I need?

On average between 3 and 10 sessions. A Term of hypnosis varies depending on a persons unique needs and motivations. Follow up sessions are one hour long. Even a single hypnosis session is beneficial, and thats where one should start before deciding how many is appropriate for them. A consultation will better inform what is appropriate for you.

How do I book an appointment?

Appointments can be arranged during your consultation, or via email anytime after your consultation which can be booked here.

Can I purchase one of the gold affirmations you make on Instagram?

Sure can! You can even request a custom affirmation. Click here.